Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Giveaway This Week

I have decided to join in with the fun and giveaways. My giveaway will be a homemade apron like the one that is listed below. The only requirments that I request for you is to comment on one extreamely happy event that you can remember someone: either yourself, your mother, your sister, your grandmother etc wearinng an apron. Please leave any email address with your comment so that I may get shipping information to the winner.


bauer zoo said...

last december we had our annual family cookie-bake. my mom and grandma bought all the kids (all 10 grandkids and greatgrandkids) aprons. they were so cute in their icing smeared aprons!

Mozi Esme said...

How very cute!

I haven't been much of an apron person until recently - I've been making lots of homemade patties, pancakes, etc and need to protect myself from oil splatters. All because of a baby - a beautiful baby - who gets the best of me, cooking and otherwise! So I have happy thoughts associated with my aprons now!

Unknown said...

We all wear aprons in my family. The best is at Thanksgiving, when we are all in the kitchen together, cooking, laughing, talking, and eating. Especially at my mom's house - small kitchen plus lots of people equals lots of love and fun. I saw the apron when I read your last post earlier today. It is absolutely adorable! I love it! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway opportunity!

Christie said...

My favorite apron memory was actually just a few weeks ago... I was visiting my family, and I walked into the kitchen where my younger sister was wearing an apron, making a cheesecake, and I realized how quickly she has blossomed into an amazing young woman! It was a reminder of how our lives are continually changing, and how good that change is!

Unknown said...

It doesn't look like my comment went through. If it did, and this is a duplicate, I am so sorry! We all wear aprons in my family, so there are a lot of happy memories with them. The best are from Thanksgiving, with all of us in the kitchen laughing, talking, cooking, and eating. It is especially fun at Mom's - small kitchen plus lots of cooks makes for lots of love! I saw your previous post this morning and fell in love with the apron. It is absolutely adorable. Thank you so much for this giveaway!

fivejs said...

I remember teaching my daughter how to bake cookies. She was wearing a dark red apron that was too big for her, and she had flour smeared all over it.

joyful.miller at gmail dot com

Tammy said...

I grew up seeing my grandma always with an apron on...it makes me smile to think about it :-) My mom only wore one for special dinners she was preparing. And I put one on every time I cook in the kitchen :-)

Loved scrolling down through your quilt pictures :-)

Tammy ~@~

bethany said...

My family cooking Thanksgiving together-everyone wearing aprons...good memories!

Anonymous said...

we don't wear aprons much in my family, which is probably why I have never owned one. I've been wanting one for awhile though, so I'm sure I'll create many happy memories if I win!
jes (At) beautyfromchaos (dot) com

Unknown said...

I remember my grandma slipping an apron on when she was cooking dinner (lunch to you city folks :) She would also wear one when sewing and keep her scissors, seam gauge, etc. in the pockets. She's been gone for two years now and I still miss her very much.

Diana H said...

At Thanksgiving, my mother in law was wearing an apron. I haven't seen aprons in such a long time. I asked her about it and she told me that my niece - her granddaughter who is extremely creative made it for her. I don't know if it was an extremely happy event, but I was happy to see the apron and hear the story.

Hootyboosmom said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for offering! My mom never wore an apron, so I don't have much of a memory for one. But both my girls have really expressed an interest in helping me bake lately, and I would love to get each of them their own unique apron, so that we can bake together and create our own memories!

Victoria said...

My apron memory is the year my stepmother made myself, and my two sisters aprons for Christmas. Both my sisters are older and received functional but stylish aprons. I received this frilly, beribboned nightmare. I was 14 and thoroughly offended by this kid apron that a serious cook could never wipe her hands on. Looking back, after 20 years, and losing my stepmom last year, I realize she must have spent so much more time on my apron than my sisters and must have been really disappointed that I didn't love it. I still have it in a box and when my little girl is old enough it will be hers from the grandma she never got to meet. Bah...I am crying. Stupid female hormones :)

Hélène said...

My son loves to cook and for his birthday my mom made him an apron. He was thrilled. Then she made me a matching one for my birthday! That made both of us thrilled!

L Harris said...
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Shane H. said...
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Hannah said...

My mom and some of the other homeschool mom's we know help a tea party for some of the older ladies in our church. All of the young girls dressed up and got to wear vintage aprons. It was lot's of fun!

Shane H. said...

I loved spending time at my grandmother's house when I was small. She always made my time there special and she ALWAYS had her apron on.

Julie Donahue said...

Last weekend, I joined my 4 brothers and 2 sisters for the first time in 9 years as we celebrated my mom's 70th birthday.

BTW...my Mom is a quilting (retired) nurse too!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful apron! My father sells Cinnamon Roasted Almonds...he wears an apron. I have happy memories of selling almonds with my Dad, wearing aprons.


Hey, don't forget my giveaways!




Mama said...

I just love aprons for their beauty, but also because they are such a sweet part of my memories of grandmothers and my mother.

I think the memory I would like to share is the way my mother was always so patient and sweet with me when she taught me to sew. We made potholders and graduated to aprons when I was just a little girl!

Unknown said...

I remember my grandmother always wearing an apron in the kitchen - she always made me a strawberry cake with strawberry frosting for my birthday.

Anonymous said...

This apron is adorable! Let's see, I wore an apron the other week when I cooked my boyfriend a full fajitas meal and then we walked around in the park outside his house with margaritas in hand and just enjoyed each other. It was an amazing day...and the apron was just part of it :)

noreen said...

my grandma always wore an apron while cooking the Christmas feast so even while opening all of the gifts in the morning she would have one on, that turkey took all day, it was huge!
nor_lou at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My grandmother used to always wear aprons...and she made all of hers....I remember her in the kitchen making thick molasses cookies with her green and white apron on. I still have the bowl she used to make them in.

I am in Canada, so if that's a problem, please delete.
Thanks for this wonderful opportunity!!

Bonita said...

Such a cute apron!

My happy event is when my daughter was about 10 and we went to the farmer's market and got matching aprons. They came in handy when my husband came home on a Thursday close to Christmas and asked if we could "whip up" 1000 cookies for him by Tuesday.

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

It's almost too bad that many a times aprons have gone the way of the past.

I always remember my grandmother wearing an apron, of which she would carry a paring knife in the pocket so she could peel apples for my siblings and I.


Unknown said...

I remember helping my G'ma outside painting and she let me wear her white apron that fit me like a dress, I had to hold it up to walk back inside.

WOW, Thanks..Haven't thought about G'ma in awhile :)

Amanda said...

i remember aprons being associated with my grandma making pies at thanksgiving...what a special memory!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I have fond memories of being a little girl and seeing my mom, grandma, great grandma, and great great aunt Vera working in a tiny kitchen side-by-side preparing Christmas dinner. They all had red polyester pantsuits and big beehive hairdos. Oh the good old days....

Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful apron.


Jennifer said...



GrowingRopers said...

oh cute! its awesome and i hope i win!!! i could uise another apron!

Sarah said...

I remember when I was little (so it isn't a specific memory), but I always got to wear my mom's apron when we made cookies together. I liked wearing the cheff hat that matched with it also...both said "kiss the cook." Thanks for the cool giveaway!

Wade's World said...

I remember my great grandmother cooking biscuits in her kitchen with her aprons. They were the best biscuits ever!

bbbbbbbbb said...

Many years ago when I was single and a teacher in taiwan, I bought a "chinese" themed apron. I was so happy when my daughter found it recently and used it!!!!

Rachael said...

What a great apron, My memory is the apron I got as a little girl, it was yellow and had my name embroidered on it. We spent many afternoons baking in that apron.

rlwjohnston at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

For a long time I would wear an apron while I taught Sunday School. I loved having my clothes protected from sticky fingers and having the pockets were just invaluable. I loved having what I needed right there and not having to take time away from the kids in my class. It made things go so much smoother...and smoother definitely made me and my class happy. :o)

Britni said...

Isn't this sad, I actually don't have any memories with an apron involved. That is why I desperately need to win this apron, to make some memories!! I have lots of memories with flour on my clothes involved if that counts!

CanCan said...

I remember my mom cooking in a funny apron that had 2 large circles over the chest they looked like cartoon breasts! I guess it was a 70's thing!

Anonymous said...

The only time my family breaks out the aprons are on big holidays...Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. There's something symbolic about us all being together and enjoying the messiness.

Anonymous said...

Love your work! I remember my mom using one when making pies and how it always smelt so sweet!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I would love to get an apron and give it to my daughter! OR.. if you feel up to making a manly one, my son could use it!


Stacey said...

Oh this is so thoughtful...thank very much for the giveaway and please enter me.

Smellyann said...

My husband wears an apron, and I think it is so adorable. No one in my family ever did, so when he straps his on every time he cooks dinner, I fall in love a little bit more. :) thanks, and please visit mine, toO!

Crystal said...

I remember wearing aprons while making pizza dough with my Italian Grandfather. It was a messy job but it was something I will remember forever!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I actually had a party in college where we baked ugly cakes and I wore a fifties housewife apron. I can't remember ever seeing my mom or grandmothers wearing one...

Anonymous said...

That's an adorable apron.

My mom never wore one, but my grandma (Oma) did all the time. I loved going to her house watching her make homemade bread. It is a very happy childhood memory.

Kathy said...

love the apron. Thanks for the giveaways, Kathy

Keryn said...

I remember we made an apron for my Grandmother, with all the grandkids handprints on it. It was red and white, and I thought it was the neatest thing.

My email addy is in my blogger profile, in case I win.

Anonymous said...

I collect vintage aprons. This one is SO cute!

My granny always wore and old tattered purple one when she cleaned house, and a yellow gingham one when company was around. I will always remember her in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

I remember my Pepaw (which is my name for my Grandpa) wearing an apron to cook fried chicken for me. Granted it was not a pretty one like yours lol. Please enter me for the lovely apron. Thanks!


World's Greatest Mommy said...

I remember one year when my grandmother didn't have a clean apron at Christmas time. She tied a dish towel around her waist and said, "I'll just have to make lemonade out of lemons."
Everything was so delicious.

Tarasview said...

every Christmas as a child my grandma wore one!
I would love to win this! Please enter me.

Carrie said...

My mother in law always wears an apron while cooking and I love her cooking! She's always putting things in the pockets and then can't find it later! It's great!

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, my Grandma acutally had an apron that looked very similar to the one you made. When she passed away years ago, I got her many aprons and sewing machine and accessories. I stored them away in an old trunk that smells just like her house, and every once in awhile, I open that trunk and take out the aprons and just inhale. The faint smell of cookies, bacon, coffee all intermingle with the smell of her, my Grandma. Now that I am a quilter, I have really grown to appreciate the time and effort she put into making quilts, aprons, etc. And she did it all by hand!
Love your blog! You've been bookmarked! :)

Jon and Sarah said...

Thanksgiving will always be a great apron memory for me. The smell of food, family, and being together.

Amanda said...

When I was 5 years old, my Nana let me wear her apron while we made Christmas cookies. The apron swallowed me, but I felt so grown-up.

The Dales said...

Oh how darling! Every Easter my mom, sister and I get in the kitchen (with aprons of course) and make our favorite desserts. I usually make a coconut cake....its a small memory/tradition to some but huge to us 3!


Veronica said...

Cute, cute, cute! I love aprons. My grandmother used to always wear aprons and would make them for too. Now that my daughter is two, I have been looking at patterns so that I can make her one.

Nancy said...

When I was little my mom did demos at the grocery stores (you know the people who hand out samples). Well she always wore an apron- usually advertising the item she was selling. I still have a couple of those aprons and it takes me back to when I was little and we would visit her at the stores.

Katie said...

My mom always wore them when making a big dinner like christmas or thanksgiving. Brings back so many fun memories. katie_mmartin (at) yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

My grandmother used to always wear an apron when she cooked for us and I have so many fond memories of her bustling around the kitchen as she chatted with us and created something delicious to munch on...sadly her health has placed her on bedrest and her apron hangs in her kitchen unused now. Thanks for the great giveaway!

breastblanket (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

GREAT giveaway!

My favorite memory was of my grandmother coming to stay at the holidays and wearing her apron all the time. It always smelled so good, like love and home.

Hey, if you have a chance, please stop by and visit my contest page too!

my email is:
racoo.smith at gmail dot com

Thanks and have a lovely day!

Des said...

Memories....you think I can remember anything?? My Grammy always wore an apron. It was the kind that was like a shirt. How I wish I had one from her. :( My most recent apron acquistion was a DARLING little levi half apron. It was bound in cute 30's material. The 'tie' was a belt of the same fabric going through the belt loops. The pockets were filled with notebook, pen, seam ripper. AND my fav....attached little scissors. Who could ever be that clever?? KareBear! I think you need to blog about THAT darling apron! Quilting Nurse is the BEST gift giver EVER. xxoo

Kara said...

I really need an apron. I don't have a single one and I tend to get messy when I bake lol. I don't remember my mom wearing aprons much either, though she has some. I do remember when I was little I had to get laundry off the line and to make it more fun I would put on an apron and a kerchief on my head and pretended to be Cinderella lol.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid my grandma used to wear one when we visited her and she made us grits and bacon for breakfast :)
threeofakindblog at gmail

Tiffany said...

The only apron I remember is the one that my great grandmother always wore. On Sundays, the whole family would gather at her house for her amazing fried chicken. I think she wore holes through that apron!

Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Tiffany Rosson
tiffanyannrosson AT yahoo DOT com

Ginny said...

I've never had anyone in my family wear an apron. I've been wanting one for awhile, they are so cute.

Scarlett said...

One of my college roommates and I once hosted a dinner party and we both wore these crazy aprons while preparing four courses of food. It was a little ridiculous.

Channah said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! My husband just gave away all my aprons except one to goodwill - he didn't understand why I might need more than one apron (not only that - he left me a really ugly barbeque apron at that). As for homemade gifts, I'm a baker, so I'll make cookies and cakes and such for each holiday, in addition to gifts.

Renee said...

Hmm . . .good memories with Aprons. My mum always wore one, and cookie baking was the wonderful time. Making it better yet, was at holiday time, when my dad would wear an apron too. *giggles* I can see it yet! Thanks for the chance to win.


Paisley said...

I remember going to a Christmas party once where I didn't know the hostess very well. She opened the door wearing an apron and I knew right then we'd be friends!

Anonymous said...

My mom baked for the farmers market when I was growing up, so I have memories of helping her crush nuts for butter tarts, and her in her dusty apron :). You can contact me through the link in my name!

Anonymous said...

Every year on the Good Friday my aunt, and grandma, my cousins and me, make food for Easter. Its a tradition and we all have our aprons. Were one happy bunch
my e-mail address is

Amanda said...

How cute! I really need to learn to sew. I just perfected the button! :)

Betty N said...

I love aprons...it really frees me to concentrate on cooking and not being concerned about getting something on me. There are a lot of "happy apron" times; my mom making homemade doughtnuts on Christmas eve; my daughter in law making lots of homemade bread to send home with us because my husband loves it so; watching my 12 year old granddaughter as she matures in her cooking/baking skills......lots more!

Rebecca said...

The year before my grandmother died, we all went to her house for Christmas. She always wore aprons. Thanks.

Girl Fisher said...

I remember my grandpa wearing one, when he'd make biscuits.

EG said...

I have a picture of my husband wearing an apron and cutting the turkey on the first Thanksgiving we hosted.

Anonymous said...

My mother wore one in preparation for my bridal attendants brunch. I have a photo of her on that day in the apron.
bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

i made my daughter an apron when she was about 3, she wore it all the tim.e. it makes me smile thinking of her in ti

The Chatty Housewife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Chatty Housewife said...

Every sunday afternoon at my grandmothers house, she would make us an awesome dinner! Thanks for the giveaway, I would love to win! nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com

Di~ said...

Happy Event: Thanksgiving when I was young, at the church, my mom and aunts bustling around the kitchen with their aprons on, to get the dinner on! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said...

My Grandma always wore aprons. I remember when she gave me an old apron that she had, it was a "dress" apron - That was a special moment! Thanks for the giveaway!

Linda said...

I love the apron. It's not a bad thing but I don't have any apron memories to share...mom and grandma just didn't wear them...but I do...and yours is delightful.

Thanks for the great giveaway.

I'm a nurse too...always thought I wanted L&D but I disliked my L&D instructor in college so much that she turned me against it. I really should have given it a try afterall!

robin said...

I remember making cutout cookies with my mom and little brother at Christmas when I was a kid. Now my own kids make them with me wearing their own aprons. Mine has seen better days, so I would love to win this one.

Kim said...

The happy memory that comes right to my mind is when I was at least 7 or 8 years old and my sister would have been around 4 or 5 years old and we were in the kitchen making cookies with our mom. We all had aprons on and there was flour everywhere. It was a lot of fun and I remember that so clearly.

What a wonderful giveaway you are doing here.

Have fun with your giveaway. Don't forget to head on over to my blog and enter mine!

Jennifer said...

What a cute apron! I would love to wear it.

I have lots of happy apron memories, but my favorite is when my daughter was 4. We bought her one of those pretend kitchens, with dishes, pots, pans, etc. To complete the set, I made her a cute little half-apron with a heart pocket. When she opened it up, she clapped her hands, then had me tie it on her. She wore that apron the whole day, even to grandma's house for more present-opening LOL!

Now my younger daughter wears the apron, and when she's outgrown it, I will put it away for future grandchildren. Such a simple thing, but so many fond memories!

Anonymous said...

The only time(s) I can remember my mother or my aunts (didn't grow up around my grandmothers) wearing an apron was at Christmas time when they were in the kitchen together cooking up the fabulous feast. I guess their generation just didn't do it regularly... I wear one every day and I'm glad the "tradition" is coming back. :-)

Thanks - that apron below is cute and wouldn't mind having one like it!

Tamara (AK)
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

M said...

that's gorgeous! My happy memory is of me making cookies with my son.. and I am the one wearing the apron.

mdvanzant at gmail dot com

Audra said...

We used to make applesauce with my grandma- even until she was in her early 90's she always wore an apron even though she never seemed to get a spot on it! Thanks for the great giveaway! Its is really cute apron!

Keri Dougless, RDN LD said...

wearing aprons reminds me of working in our church's kitchen, preparing for pot-lucks and such. Always felt at home, surrounded by people who care.

Anonymous said...

When I was a girl I can remember going to my grandma's house for a visit. It seamed like every time we went she was always wearing her apron and cooking. The smells of grandmas always made me smile, she was so strong and great standing in the kitchen with her apron.
Great Giveaway!

Thanks for adding me!
GET A FREE $5 STUFF ON US GIFT CARD AT http://www.noahsarkworkshop.com/constancecotton_s9956

My name is Michelle. said...

I grew up with my Great Grandmother. She almost *always* had an apron on. I remember being little and holding onto the side of it. It was such a comfort.

AudreyO said...

A cooking teacher I took a class from was the first person I knew who always wore an apron. She really helped me learn to cook.

Anonymous said...

My mom made me a red and white nautical apron so I could wear it when we baked together. I can remember wearing it while making brownies beside her....from the time I was 2 on up! Thank you!!


Kim said...

One of my favorite apron memories is one of my mom, my sister and myself making cookies one Christmas when we were very young. I was probably around 7 or 8 years old. I love that memory.

What a wonderful giveaway you are doing here.

Have fun with your giveaway. Don't forget to head on over to my blog and enter mine!

Nissa said...

Supercute! I've been wanting a new apron for so long!

One of my fondest memories growing up is making gingerbread houses with my mom every Christmas. We usually made about 6, and everyone who received on oohed and ahhed over them. I'd like to continue that tradition with my daughter when she gets a little older.

Come check my giveaway if you get a chance!

Meredith A. said...

I have loved wearing an apron to make my husband dinner! I feel so feminine! I baked my first "married" chocolate chip cookies wearing my favorite apron!

Janette said...

Best memory is of my Granny (Great Gma) teaching me to make homemade egg noodles in an apron

Smellyann said...

Great giveaway - I'd love to win! Thanks and please enter mine, too! :D

Heidi Schulz said...

Last week we had dinner with an old friend. He's a recent bachelor (sadly) but he cooked for my family. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, pie...
And he wore an apron.
It was so great to catch up.

Re said...

My grandma used to wear an apron when she baked/cooked. She'd always put a cookie or teacakein her pocket becausei'd always try to dig my little hands in her pockets when she cooked. it was her way of giving me a surprise treat!

Great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner! :)

Maureen said...

My sister was wearing an apron this past Christmas when we the whole family gathered together to celebrate the holiday.

Debbie said...

My happiest moment was my daughter was born - she turns 21 this year!

katklaw777 said...

Baking cookies with Grandma, we both wore a blue checkered aprons. AHHHHHHHHthe smell!!! thnx katklaw777(at)yahoo(dot)com

Peculiar said...

I'm not sure about the deadline for this giveaway, but I'd like to enter for this apron. I love aprons, always have, and so do my girls. My grandmother wore "house dresses" or "house coats" more than aprons when she cooked and cleaned, but she would wear the occasional apron. They were always worn and thin, and homey looking. I loved them. They made her look like a "real" cook all of the time. Thanks.

Shama-Lama Mama said...

My grandmother wore an apron everyday, all the time, when we would visit her. I wish I had inherited one of them. I am apronless and would LOVE to win!